Camp Lejeune
Injury Compensation
Over a million individuals have been affected by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. Many of these individuals or their family members, if the person passed, will qualify for compensation due to injuries and illnesses from exposure to the contaminated/toxic water at Camp Lejeune. As a physician with specialized medical training, as well as a successful trial lawyer, Dr. Bradshaw can help locate key medical records and analyze them to determine if you qualify for compensation. We understand The Camp Lejeune Justice Act, as some of our team members helped draft the law and advocate for its passage.
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Medical Conditions and Illnesses
Some of the medical injuries (conditions and illnesses) caused by the contaminated water include the following:
Adult Injuries
- Multiple Myeloma
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL)
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Bladder Cancer
- Miscarriage
- Breast Cancer
- Esophageal Cancer
- Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- Female Infertility
- Hepatic Steatosis (liver disease)
- Kidney Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Leukemia
- Renal Toxicity
- Lung Cancer
- Scleroderma
Pediatric Injuries
- Birth Defects
- Leukemia
- Low Birth weight
- Other Malformations
- Death
- Cancers
Case Background & History
Between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, water at Camp Lejeune was contaminated with toxic chemicals. While those various chemicals number in the hundreds, some of the more toxic chemicals were industrial solvents trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE) and a chemical called benzene. These chemicals are carcinogenic, known to cause cancer. Additionally, some of the chemicals are known to cause birth defects when a baby is exposed in-utero (during pregnancy), miscarriages and in some cases, babies being born dead, still-birth.
There were two water systems involved in this contamination, the Tarawa Terrace and Hadnot Point water-treatment plants. These plants served enlisted-family housing, barracks for unmarried service personnel, base administrative offices, schools, and recreational areas. The Hadnot Point water system also served the base hospital and an industrial area and supplied water to housing on the Holcomb Boulevard water system (full-time until 1972 and periodically thereafter).
PCE was the primary contaminant found in the wells serving the Tarawa Terrace system.
The chemical was used by an off-base dry cleaner (ABC One-Hour Cleaners), and the groundwater became contaminated with PCE as a result of spills, improper disposal practices and improper oversight. Contamination of the wells from that source is estimated to have begun as early as 1953, the year when dry-cleaning operations began. There were also other on-base sources of contamination in the Tarawa Terrace system that had a smaller impact on the water supply.
The contamination of the Hadnot Point water supply was more complicated and involved multiple sources and multiple contaminants.
The primary contaminant found in those wells since monitoring began in the 1980s was TCE. It is likely that multiple sources contributed to the TCE contamination, including on-base spills at industrial sites and leaks from underground storage tanks and drums at dumps and storage lots. The Hadnot Point water-treatment plant began operating in 1943, but sound estimates have not yet been made as to when the contamination began. Wells in both systems that were contaminated in the early 1980s were closed in the period November 1984–May 1985, and the entire Tarawa Terrace water-treatment plant was closed in 1987.
Both of these chemicals have been proven to cause cancer in animals.
Animal cancer studies of TCE at maximally tolerated doses revealed liver and lung cancers in mice and kidney and testicular cancers in male rats. Similar cancer studies of PCE exposure revealed liver cancers in mice and mononuclear-cell leukemia and kidney cancer in male rats. One of the other chemicals, benzene, is known beyond any doubt to cause cancer. This is based on evidence from studies in both people and lab animals. The link between benzene and cancer has mainly focused on leukemia and other “blood cell” type cancers.
In summary, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River in North Carolina, had toxic cancer-causing contaminants in their drinking water.
Scientific and medical evidence has shown an association between exposure to these contaminants during military service and development of certain diseases later in life. Additionally, many civilians were also exposed to this contaminated water.
- + Who qualifies?
Members of the military, military family members, contractors, civilians, and anyone else who served, worked, resided, or was otherwise exposed (including in utero exposure) to water at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River for 30 or more days from August 1, 1953 through December 31, 1987, consecutive or nonconsecutive.
- + Do I have to be in the military to qualify?
No. Anyone who has been in or around Camp Lejeune for a total of 30 days or more, consecutive or nonconsecutive within the 34 year span. Please complete our form to see if you qualify.
- + What are the toxic chemicals found?
Harmful carcinogens such as benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene, perchloroethylene (PCE), and vinyl chloride (VC), are the chemicals that we’re found in the drinking water at and around Camp Lejeune. The drinking water has been documented to carry up to 300 time the acceptable levels of toxins.
- + What area around Camp Lejuene was contaminated?
- + How many veterans were exposed to the toxic chemicals at Camp Lejuene?
According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs: Economic Impact Analysis for RIN 2900-AP66, Diseases Associated with Exposure to Contaminants in the Water Supply at Camp Lejeune, approximately 720,000 Veterans and 142,468 Reservists we’re exposed to water contamination from 1953 to 1987.
- + What caused the water contamination?
Contamination was due to leaks in underground storage tanks and industrial area spills, waste disposal sites, and a dry cleaning company.
- + How do I know if my family was exposed to Camp Lejuene toxic water?
Two water supply systems, Tarawa Terrace and Hadnot Point were operating during the time of chemical exposure, 1953-1987, which collected water from contaminated wells. These water supply systems we’re the primarily water supply companies for enlisted family housing and barracks for service personnel and family at Camp Lejuene. Due to the circumstances of the circulation of the wells, it’s hard to pinpoint when and who had the majority of the exposure, which is why it is important to contact our office for a free initial case review.
- + How do I know if I qualify for compensation?
You must meet the requirements of exposure during the relevant time between 1953-1987, have an identifiable disease/condition caused by the contamination, then a lawsuit will need to be filed within the limited timeframe. Most cases will likely be combined into a “mass tort” in Federal court. Although a case may be possibly tried, historically the vast majority of these types of cases will be settled before trial.
Dr. Brad Bradshaw’s Law firm is working in conjunction with Onder Law to represent individuals and family members harmed by this contaminated water.
Onder Law is not licensed in North Carolina and must work through associated North Carolina lawyers or via Pro Hac Vice with a local counsel. Dr. Brad Bradshaw’s Law Firm has offices in Wilmington, North Carolina via our staff attorney, Chris Johnson. Chris Johnson is a licensed North Carolina attorney, hired specifically for these cases. We have other North Carolina lawyers available to meet with clients and work with us as local counsel, in other regions of the state. We also have Regus Office spaces available in other locations as needed, by appointment only. Our firm has a prior relationship with Onder Law, primarily with Talc litigation. Together our team, The Camp Lejeune Justice Act Team, wants to obtain the most compensation, the most justice, for you in this matter.
Find out if you qualify for a settlement
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